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A B O U T    M E 


Composing music is probably one of the most rewarding obsessions. When I start writing, my mind tries constantly to bring multiple layers of information and ideas into focus and guide them through this creative process. Nonetheless, my writing philosophy is simple: once you have a starting point, let the music itself guide you further. A great idea will guide itself to great music, until it gives you a reason to intervene! That is my moment: using my knowledge and intuition to give life, sense and personality to that idea. 


I started studying music at the age of 8, neither by suddenly found passion, nor by family tradition. The vicinity of the music college seemed to be enough. When my violin and music theory teachers started teaching me harmony, I was fascinated! During my formal education I had the great opportunity to learn music writing from outstanding personalities. And that was just the start!


Alongside working with my maestro, Adrian Pop, I had the great privilege to attend numerous master classes with distinguished composers like:



Allain Gaussin

François Paris

Isabelle Duha

Manfred Stanhke

Augustin Fernandez

Edgar Alandia



Lasse Thoresen

Roland Moser

Cornel Țăranu



Dan Dediu 

Jörg Widmann

Michael Hersch

Thierry Huillet




Wolfram Wagner

Alexander Mullenbach

Gabriel Iranyi

Costin Miereanu



Karol Beffa

Amos Elkana











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